Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Upcoming things

So there are a few things that are going on here at Suffolk University that i thought i should fill you all in on.

The honors program here is holding an event at the improv asylum, which is one of the most amazing place in boston. If you have never seen an improv show, i strongly suggest checking one out either here in boston or in your neighbourhood somewhere. The stuff that these guys do is incredible, and pretty awe inspirining at times, i just have no idea how they can think that quickly.

The second and much more anticipated event that is taking place here at Suffolk is..... wait for it....

Jason Mraz is coming!!!! I am so excited about this, its unreal. He is prolly one of my favorite artists, and i feel like the concert will be a nice break from the unanimity of school work and studying. I downloaded his newest album about a month ago, and its a whole new sound for him, much more blues-y- in a way, not sure how to describe it. This is one of his new songs that i am sure you have all heard. But check out the video either way.

I love that song, i feel like its a bit more summery than what the current weather would call for but nice none the less.

And the last thing that is going on here is a typical university type thing. The Vote or Die campaign has come to Suffolk University, and while i am already a registered voter in NH and plan on taking the day off to go vote, i urge and if i have to i will beg you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Go out and vote!!!!!

I am supporting Senator Obama because i feel he has created a renewed passion for politics in this country that was desperatly in need of, and because my brother lived in Alaska for 4 years and doesn't have the greatest things to say about their "assteemed" governor Pallin. But honestly whatever your plolitics happen to be. Please take part on November 4th and vote!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

two weeks in, twelve more to go

So here we are, two weeks into my last fourteen at Suffolk University... slightly crazy i know, but i think now we have reached a point where i can introduce exactly what i am doing this semester as far as school is concerened.

Health Care Policy: Kinda dull, but interesting and important
Public Relations: The basics, but it will teach you how to address and represent a client
Politics and the Media: Filled with propoganda, but a very interesting time to be studying this
American Political thought: Hardest and yet most rewarding class i think i will ever have taken here

I do want to talk a little bit about my American Political Thought class... It is very very hard as the reading and subject matter are dense and difficult, but never has an hour and 1/2 gone by so fast within a classroom. The Professor is young and new to suffolk and it is a breath of fresh air let me tell you. Classes are always better when you have someone who is actually engaged and interested in the subject they are teaching, and this professor just gets so animated and excited!

He doesn't judge people, though you can tell that at some points he wants to, and he will make you smarter even before you finish your comment

I am not writing this to try and impress you or anything, i honestly think this will be one of the best classes that i take during my college carreer here at SU ( but yes, i do think that this is a good example of the strong points of school here)

other classes are okay, nothing special, all three jobs are going well too, honors program is still a challenge but something to take my mind off of actual school work, and then in the very back of my mind lingers the ever-constant reminder that i have a thesis to write before this is all over...

might as well get started

peace out

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Continuing on

So here it is folks, the much anticipated continuation of my life story via blogs...

After leaving Costa Rica, i flew to Alaska ( 40 degree temperature change in 16 hours, enough said, i don't want to talk about it). My brother was graduating college and that is a pretty substantial thing, especially since it was my brother.

After a long week with 22 hours of daylight and cold weather, i got to come home to boston, home to the east coast, and back where i belong. The peace and serenity of being back at "home" per say did not last long. I started work again at my resturant and began my internship with the Clinton Foundation.

Oh yeah, i work for the clintons!

So life was pretty hectic, but i managed to make some time for friends and fun especially when my 21st b-day rolled around.

Then, as it always seems to do, school started again. This is now my last semester here at Suffolk, so its a bit bittersweet i guess. My classes are hard and challenging and that is only made worse when balanced with 3 jobs and a senior thesis. But in some respects i love it, being stressed to the breaking point has always made me work just a little bit harder than i ususally do, which in turn allows me to learn just a little bit more than i would have wanted to.

I keep telling myself that is only 4 months, and that this too shall past, but everytime i say that i can't help but wonder if i am saying it with excitment or sadness.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So i distinctly remember saying that i was going to blog about my experiences in Costa Rica, while actually in Costa Rica, but the thing about tropical locations is that you often forget that you have any responsibility at all.

So here is the long over-due summary of my semester in the southern hemisphere, and my life since my triumphant return....

Costa Rica:

If you ever feel the need or desire to get away from the cold, or just life in general i urge you to opt out of the typical Caribbean or Bahamas vacation, and go to central America. Not only is it like a million times cheaper, cooler, closer, and prettier, but the place is not made for tourists, so you actually feel like you have gotten away from everything you are used to.

Now don't get me wrong, not everything is sunflowers and daisies when you are living in a foreign country for 4 months, where you know no one, and you don't speak the language. Living and studying in Costa Rica was hard, but it is an experience that i wouldn't trade for the world. You learn to see that there are levels in life both in content, and luxury and that not everyone, in most everyone does not live the way that we are so privileged to live here.

I don't want to get too philosophical on you, so i guess i will stop there, and just continue on with some of the finer points.... like pictures.

So this is one of the first places we went in Costa Rica, it is a small town and 6 massive beaches called Manuel Antonio... It is a national park and there are monkeys and sloths, and lizards everywhere you look....

Also the fact that the beach is that empty is not an optical illusion or a trick we pulled on some tourists, that is just how empty and beautiful that this place is...

This one comes from my favorite place in all of Costa Rica, it is a small surfing town called Tamarindo. On second thought, i am not sure i would call it small, this place unfortunately has been plagued by tourists, but the beaches, the people, and as you tell the sunsets tend to make up for the other short-comings.

Thats one of the best things about being in a place where getting from one coast to another only takes a day, you can actually see the sunrise and the sunset on that day

And here we go, fun fact of the day everybody:

This is in fact how Pineapples grow, they do not grow from trees as is so often thought ( by me even until i saw this odd thing at an organic farm up in the mountains of the country)

I feel like people think that Pineapples and Coconuts must grow the same way because we associate both of them with tropical climates, but alas we were all fooled.

See, these are all the wonderful things that one can learn in a single day

There are about 200 more pictures of Costa Rica on facebook if you feel so inclined, though i am in no way pressuring you to check it out....

I know i said i would continue on about the rest of my life since leaving paradise, but i feel as though this post has gone on long enough... so perhaps we shall save that for another day....

As a fleeting thought, i will leave you with just one more picture of the Costa Rican way of life