Monday, October 22, 2007

Mid-terms week

So remember all those papers and tests i had to do.... yep, still have to do them. Though i have finished off two of my three midterms getting a 101 on my African Politics test. Just took the biostats test today so we will see how that went, at least now i know how to determine the probablitiy that a sample mean that is normally distributed would be a good determinination of the population mean..... right.

Got a new computer this weekend, a new apple..."this is will make studying easier"- thats what i said to my dad

Off to do some work now


Kaella said...

Ugh, mid-terms were terrible. It was my first time ever having them since we didn't have them in high school! How are you liking the apple computer - is it a MacBook? I'm torn between getting a new PC (Toshiba, preferably) and a MacBook with Windows Vista... were you a PC user before you got the apple computer?

I'm a blogger too - blogging about my freshman year. We have the same layout, so I thought I'd comment, haha. :)

Bostonblogger said...

yeah i was a pc used before, it was just really slow and it used to break all the time. they only have a shelf life of about 2 years then they start to die, i love the macbook its amazing