Monday, November 19, 2007

Almost there

So, its now monday... only 3 more days till Thanksgiving( one of my favorite holidays). This last week has been crazy busy, but i got the majority of my work done which is defiantly a weight off my shoulders... SO happy that there is a break coming up it will be nice to just do nothing for a whole week

When we get back there are only 3 weeks in the semester.. which means i'm one step closer to being in Costa Rica, just finals to get through

Suffolk open house was this past weekend, it went well crazy busy as usual.. but still a good time, it was cold though, really really cold.

Patriots went to 10-0 last night... amazing might i add... one championship down 2 to go... though the celtics did suffer their first loss last night, though they are still at the top of their division... seriously could you want to be anywhere else, other than boston right now!!


WhitneySU said...

we're going to miss you when you're in costa rica next semester!

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