Wednesday, December 12, 2007


2 down and 2 to go... biostats and spanish finals are out of the way, just my two political finals left and then it is home free... 

As stressful as this week is, and as happy as i will be when it is over, i am going to miss boston and the hectic suffolk experience. This is the place that became my home during school so it will be a huge change going somewhere 180 degrees different, and seeing how and what i can learn down there... defiantly going to be a challenge, but what's life without a little risk right?

Time to get to sleep, in order to make it to the library early tomorrow.. oh how i love finals week!!! yay finals... But in all seriousness, they are not too bad.  its a good way to test yourself and see how much you have put into your classes this semester

Asta luego


1 comment:

Sue at Suffolk said...

Thanks for the "How Green is Your Candidate" feature -- I hadn't come across this before and find it very illuminating.

Happy New Year!