Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Being Joe Torre'd

So here we are, the last full week of classes at Suffolk University. Somehow we made it through the gauntlet are on the final sprint, why then does it seem like there are more obstacles than ever. A paper for this class, a debate for another, 3 final exams, and the most insurmountable mountain of reading imaginable. Not to mention the terrifying reality of being a college graduate without a job.

The Clinton Foundation thing was working out, until i got a not so promising email from my boss about our upcoming meeting regarding, " my transitional place" within the foundation. I won't know for sure until Wednesday morning, but the tone was not good. A friend and I deemed my situation as being "Joe Torre'd" ( basically being demoted to the point where quitting is the better option)

So needless to say i am slightly concerned. Don't get me wrong, i think my resume is strong and i have faith that i will find a job, but for the moment it is not the most comfortable place to be. Now there is a silver lining to the whole thing. Having three free days a week to actually focus on school work, and my graduate school applications ( which have been put on the back burner, while i try to secure a job)

We will see what happens, there is always grad school, and i guess some time off would be good, but i'm just not sure i am ready for this whole adult thing, i mean i just started enjoying the whole young-adult thing.. its too soon

Thanksgiving break is in 8 days, and i will be spending it with my best friend in the world, so that is something to look forward to... 8 days until break, until a time to breath, until a time to forget those important things you shouldn't forget about

but really who is countin

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I feel like there is a trend in my life when it comes to school- i think i just subconsciously choose to take the month of October off. No real reason for having to do this, i just do. I think maybe i feel that i have so much time left in the beginning of October that i can just chill for a week or so, and eventually a week becomes 4 and then its Halloween and my life has become a complete and utter mess of things i have yet to accomplish, and no suddenly don't have enough time to do them.

Funny how that all works out. We are now just talking in the office about how it doesn't matter how long you procrastinate, the work will always find a way to get done. Now if that speaks to my success as a student or my failure as one, who knows i guess i will leave that up to you to decide.

Now i don't want you to all go ahead and just stop doing your work, cause some girl at college told you it would all work out in the end. You should only ever reach this level of procrastination if you have other things that are occupying your life. School should always comes first, and for the most part it does, i am talking about those times when your school work interferes with itself. The one paper has suddenly become more important than another, or that that reading can wait so you can finish an application.

What do you do then? Learn how to prioritze i guess, but that is one of those "much easier said than done" kind of things, and at the same time one of those "suck it up and just do it" kind of things.

Life is strange like that. Obama is President. We can all go on