Thursday, October 23, 2008

Grad School Woes

So i have finalized my list of graduate schools, and am starting that rather difficult and expensive process of applying. As it stands i am applying to NYU, BU, and Tufts for a Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Global/ International health. It took me a pretty long time to decide that i was going to apply for the next fall semester, but i feel like i am more prepared and have the actual motivation to apply now than i would have in the next year or so.

It does seem like this is coming on a little bit too fast. I have set myself a deadline of December 1st to have sent in all of my applications and supporting materials, obviously i will try for earlier if possible, but that is the plan right now. Perhaps it seems too soon, because i only have 6 weeks left until i am thrown into the unforgiving "real" world. Its not that i don't feel prepared or sure of what i want to do, it is just that Suffolk has always given me an avenue to explore deeper into those fields and prepare for them, and i have reached the end.

I am still actively looking for a job, and the Clinton Foundation has agreed to pay me on a temporary basis, so that is awesome. Hopefully if i do well enough in my position at the foundation i will be asked to stay on as a full time employ, and then have a reasonable excuse to put off grad school. I know this may all sound like i am dreading the idea of pursuing a masters degree, and that is not it at all. I think that is the realization that after getting my masters i am not sure where i would go. I honestly can't see myself getting a doctorate or going any further, but than that begs the question of what do after a masters? do you just stop?

I have been in some sort of formalized education, as have most of you reading this for almost 18 years, i am not sure i know how to not be in school....

So that is where all that stands at the moment, and i am trying not to let that over-power the rest of my life. School as it is, is going okay, some papers due next week and an exam on something, i think. Work is going well, the three jobs helps the semester fly by, and somehow i am managing to keep some semblance of a collegiate social life, though that too is slowly dwindling

I guess all in all this is what they call growing up, and as i begin to take it all in and digest it, i find more and more merit in the immortal words of peter pan and the lost boys

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Scary moment

So today was the first time when i actually realized that i was going to be finished here at Suffolk University. We have been getting emails about registering for classes next semester, and making sure that you are completing your requirements, and all of the sudden it hit me, that i will not be registering for classes ever again here at Suffolk University.... I'm not sure if i should have felt like this last semester when i registered for this semester, but i guess, being abroad kinda took away the feeling of ending(ness).

Didn't have much else to say about this, it just feels a little weird to be leaving the place where you spent 4 years

Thursday, October 9, 2008

about half way there

So here we are guys, about half way through the semester and things seem to be going pretty okay. I am somehow managing to stay on top of my work and have a pretty good handle on my life. I just registerd for the GRE's which is a terrifying thing all on its own. Grad school apps have come in the mail, and so far i have filled out my name and address on all of them, but that is about as far as i am getting.

While i know that grad school is important and all i am finding it really hard to focus on things like that, so much of my attention has been taken over by this election and the failing markets, that i find it difficult to distance myself. but then again, i am not sure distancing myself is what i should be doing. It is truly scary to watch what the market is doing, and no, i am not an bussiness major nor do i study economics, but i am graduating in 2 months and i would like to think that there would be some sort of job market avaible for me to enter.

Long weekend coming up, which should be nice. Jason Mraz concert is tonight, followed by an Andrew Bird concert on friday, and a trip to ikea on saturday. What is it about ikea, and for that matter wal-mart and CVS too, that you go into those stores not needing anything and walk out having spent hundreds of dollars, doesn't make any sense....

okay off to do some more stuff that should further my educational and personal futures

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Time to put up or shut up

So tonight is the night, the one that we have been waiting for, the reason that both greys anatomy and the office are moved to next week, and the excuse to stay up later... The Veep debates are between Senator Joe Biden and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin are this evening, and have been much talked about in the media.

I am not sure what i am expecting from this debate. I do expect Senator Biden to come out on top based on his skill and his experinece during debates. However, i have a gut-wrenching feeling that Governor Palin will do better than we all expect her to. She has been well trained and overly-vetted for her performance this evening, so i think she will do well regurgitating the few one-liners her campaign camp continues to feed her, but one Senator Biden hits her with a question that she hasn't been told the answer to, i look forward to watching her fail.
( sorry if my politics are a bit-too biased here)

It is not that dis-respect Governor Palin, i commend her for that accomplishments that she has made in her political career, and she has pushed some quality legislation through in her state, i do however feel that she is not ready to be the Vice President of the United States. That is a job, that a lot of people do not fully understand, but to occupy that position someone must be ready to take control of the country in, quite literally, a heartbeat.

I hope for a cultured debate that accomplishes what a debate is supposed to do; show the American people the nature, intelligence, confidence and readiness of the proposed candidates.

Tonight at 9, whatever channel you choise ( NECN for me) Be there