Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Winter is here

So it is now officially the first week of december, which means bitter colds and finals crunch time. This is quite possibly the worst week of school ever... for some reason everything that you forgot to do during the semester, ends up being due this week. For me that meant a 30 page paper on the failures of the MA health care system, a 30 page group paper and presentation on the paradigms in the realtionship between the executive and the legislature on foreign policy issues: a case study on Congressman Moakley, a 8 page paper on the wave of democracy on the african continent... thats just two classes.

But luckily for me those things are all done, just one more paper and then just studying.. good finals schedule though... one on tuesday, two wednesday, and one thursday.... then its off to NH on firday to deal with stuff for Costa Rica...

I have also decided that the idea of being in 80 degree weather in a month, makes the 21 degree days here in boston seem much much colder

Before i head off, just want to leave you with... GO PATS, and GO CELTS..... boston championships 2 and 3 are on the way!!!


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