Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home again Home again

Welcome Back everyone!!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic turkey day, i know mine was quite good, though there was too much food, i mean seriously i ate turkey for like 4 days in a row, and thats a lot of bird.... Got to see the family though an that was good. I have found that there is some serious musical talent in my family ( I recieved none) but my middle cousin Kevin plays Sax in a bad that has been touring all around the US and Canada
That is him there in the yellow shirt! The band is called Mechatama and i guess you would call it a funk, ska, rock, pop hybird.... don't really know but check them out on myspace and see for yourself.. . http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=7390047

And then there is my brother who is also in a band, they are a few steps further along than my cousin, they just recorded their first album and now have the rights to their own songs which is very cool. His band is called Paper Scissors... get it cause you could go Paper Scissors Rock!! haha i know, i know but its his thing... He plays the drums... so you can imagine how it was growing up with someone obssessed with rhythm.
But i guess they are both doing well and that is good.

Thanksgiving break was a good holiday overall, i wanted to get a lot of work done but ended up just eating and sleeping for the majority of it. My family and i did venture into boston to see the Blue Man Group which, even the 3rd time is still a pretty amazing show to see.
But now it is back to boston, back to school, and back to life as a college student. two more papers to write this week, a presentation on monday and then just finals... i know it sounds weird to say "just" finals, but it will be a welcome relief to only focus on one thing at a time. Its good to be back though, i just need to get back into my routine and start busting out some quality work.


Sue at Suffolk said...

hey jen, love the new look and the slide show -- quite awesome!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.