Thursday, October 9, 2008

about half way there

So here we are guys, about half way through the semester and things seem to be going pretty okay. I am somehow managing to stay on top of my work and have a pretty good handle on my life. I just registerd for the GRE's which is a terrifying thing all on its own. Grad school apps have come in the mail, and so far i have filled out my name and address on all of them, but that is about as far as i am getting.

While i know that grad school is important and all i am finding it really hard to focus on things like that, so much of my attention has been taken over by this election and the failing markets, that i find it difficult to distance myself. but then again, i am not sure distancing myself is what i should be doing. It is truly scary to watch what the market is doing, and no, i am not an bussiness major nor do i study economics, but i am graduating in 2 months and i would like to think that there would be some sort of job market avaible for me to enter.

Long weekend coming up, which should be nice. Jason Mraz concert is tonight, followed by an Andrew Bird concert on friday, and a trip to ikea on saturday. What is it about ikea, and for that matter wal-mart and CVS too, that you go into those stores not needing anything and walk out having spent hundreds of dollars, doesn't make any sense....

okay off to do some more stuff that should further my educational and personal futures

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