Thursday, October 2, 2008

Time to put up or shut up

So tonight is the night, the one that we have been waiting for, the reason that both greys anatomy and the office are moved to next week, and the excuse to stay up later... The Veep debates are between Senator Joe Biden and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin are this evening, and have been much talked about in the media.

I am not sure what i am expecting from this debate. I do expect Senator Biden to come out on top based on his skill and his experinece during debates. However, i have a gut-wrenching feeling that Governor Palin will do better than we all expect her to. She has been well trained and overly-vetted for her performance this evening, so i think she will do well regurgitating the few one-liners her campaign camp continues to feed her, but one Senator Biden hits her with a question that she hasn't been told the answer to, i look forward to watching her fail.
( sorry if my politics are a bit-too biased here)

It is not that dis-respect Governor Palin, i commend her for that accomplishments that she has made in her political career, and she has pushed some quality legislation through in her state, i do however feel that she is not ready to be the Vice President of the United States. That is a job, that a lot of people do not fully understand, but to occupy that position someone must be ready to take control of the country in, quite literally, a heartbeat.

I hope for a cultured debate that accomplishes what a debate is supposed to do; show the American people the nature, intelligence, confidence and readiness of the proposed candidates.

Tonight at 9, whatever channel you choise ( NECN for me) Be there

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